
School Starts Monday ...

Although is still is VERY HOT outside summer has come to a close for those students who attend public school in Orange County. Next Monday, August 22nd, the school year starts again. Which means there will be buses on the road and children waiting for them at bus stops. Please plan for the extra time in getting to work and watch out for all those little munchkins that will NOT be looking out for you at the many bus stops along Econ.
We must also remind you that it is illegal for cars to be parked at those bus stops as that is a driving hazard for cars coming up to turn onto Econ. If cars can't see the road they can also can not see children. If you have to drive your child to the bus stop, please park your car beyond the no parking area to avoid receiving a ticket. Thank you for starting the year off with great effort to create a safe environment for our students.

Crime Report

According to the latest report on we have had three thefts and one assault in the area within 3 miles of our subdivision. For more information about these crimes or to check out the history of crime in our area click here.

Rolling Roadblocks ...

Be advised that the rolling roadblocks on State Roar 408 have been scheduled for Thursday night, August 18th. Highway Patrol will slow traffic between 11 pm and 5 am to allow crews to replace a large overhead sign structure. Ramps to Semoran, Goldenrod, Yucatan Drive and Valencia College Lane will be closed. Bad weather and other unforeseen circumstances could delay or prolong work.

Redistricting Meeting

Every ten years, the City of Orlando has to redraw its commission boundaries based on new census data. The basic purpose of redistricting is to ensure each City Commission district has an equal population distribution in an effort to assure equality in representation. Public involvement is critical to the process.
Owners and resident of Tivoli Village are encouraged to attend the redistricting meetings in order to learn more about redrawing the districts and to share your thoughts and opinions about the process. If you are interested in attending of of these meetings please open the attached city memo.

National Night Out

August 2nd saw another community bash as we celebrated the 2011 National Night Out. Local OPD officers and our City Commissioner Phil Diamond stopped by as well as more than 3o residents. Check out the pictures on Facebook.
We enjoy some good food and better company as we spoke about the direction of the community and the creation on a neighborhood watch. We are in the process of collecting names of Block Captains. If you are interested in taking on this role please shoot us an e-mail and we will let you know about our next meeting.
The other reason for the fiesta was to promote community involvement. The name of our community is Tivoli Village and it is the word Village that is important for us to think about. We need to come together as a village to help raise our children, help raise our home values and help keep our community safe. I'm hoping this is just the beginning of what will make our community the role model for all communities in Central Florida.

Thank You Leland!

We spoke and Leland listened. At our recent owners meeting many people shared their concerns about pet waste throughout the community. Our property manager listened and within two weeks had four different pet stations were installed. These stations each have bags to collect waste and garbage cans to place them in.
The installation of these stands allows for every resident to follow the rules and regulations of our home owners association as well as the city of Orlando. If you see someone NOT cleaning up after their pet please take a moment to point out where the stands are.
Thank you Ernie!