
Our HOA fees ...

All you have to do is have a conversation with a Tivoli Village resident that has lived in our community for more than three years to feel their pain of ever increasing HOA fees and ever decreasing home values.
As 2010 is coming to a close these same residents are no different than a dog that has been pushed into a corner and feel they must fight their way out. In 2007 WWII era bombs were found at Odyssey Middle School which is less than 1 mile from Tivoli Village. Since then it has been discovered that our community is in what was the Pinecastle Jeep Range, and that many people knew about that fact before any of us moved here. In 2007, 2008 and 2009 the Tivoli Village HOA board of directors raised the fees 15% each year, as allowed by our by-laws. In 2007 the housing market began its fall to the point today that our homes are valued at less than half of what is owed. In 2008 our developer first allowed a new builder to come in and build a two car unit in a one car development and as of 2010 have no new interest for builders on the last few lots.
The question is what do we as owners in Tivoli Village do? Owners can continue to pay their bills, their mortgage and hope things improve. We are seeing more and more of the foreclosed homes being sold. We have seen Ernie with LeLand Management replace 100% of our old vendors and put us in a much better financial position. We have seen more and more people paying their HOA fees. Owners could also choose to short sale their homes, stop making mortgage and HOA payments and not worry about anyone else but themselves. And still other owners can do a combination of both of these.
As we enter the last quarter of 2010 the time has come for each of us to take a look at our individual families situation and do what is best for you. We can no longer ask people to make sacrifices for the greater good of Tivoli Village when the leadership of our community is not doing the same thing. We ask that each of you reach out to that management and e-mail LeLand asking for a decrease in our HOA fees for 2011. If they can make the sacrifice then maybe we can as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about mowing the lawn bi weekly, instead of every week, that will help lower the costof HOA.