
No Soliciting!

On more than one occasion over the last two weeks representatives from ADT security have been soliciting different homes throughout the neighborhood. In their presentation they are using language in an attempt to intimidate you into signing up for their service. They came to my home and asked if "I was interested in their service due to the rise in crime in the area." I said no and closed the door. You should do the same. In speaking with different neighbors these solicitors came through our neighborhood just today again using intimidation to get into homes. DO NOT ALLOW these people into your homes for any reason. Ask them to leave and if they don't, call 911 as a resident was forced to do when they would not leave their property. We have no idea if they are from ADT or trying to "case" our neighborhood for easy targets. Lets have any solicitors, any suspicious characters, anybody we don't want to in Tivoli Village know that they need to leave.

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