
When, Oh When Will it Be Ours?

A quick look through the ever exciting home owners by-laws and you will see that our developer, Kyle Sanders, controls our association until we are 9o% built out and our architectural review board until we are 100% built out. That means Mr. Sanders has been in charge of our development for some time and will continue to be so for some time to come. Or will he be?
As of this Sunday morning a count of our development shows that we currently have 185 units completed out of the potential 206 lots of our development. That is 89.8% built out! This is a statistical 90% build out and we residents it good standing should be in control of our development. An email sent to Leland Management has yet to be returned as of this story. As soon as we hear from them we will post their comments.
It that same home owners by-laws you will find 7.14 which discusses the role of our developer and his requirement to pay monthly fees or any deficit at the end of a business year. Mr. Sanders has yet to pay either and as of today nothing has been done about this. Please stay posted for developments on this.

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