
Neighborhood Watch

As a neighborhood we have tried time and time again to start a Neighborhood Watch. The simple presence of community members working together for the greater good of our community is no longer a wish but a necessity. We need each other to watch out for potential criminal activity. If our neighborhood is known to protect each other those criminals will simply move on to the next neighborhood.
In the past year we have had homes broken into, we have had a hit and run on a child riding his bike and within the last month we have had an aggravated assault. Do you want to be the next victim?
For a look into crime in our area you can visit and put in your address and date range and they will detail what took place during that time. Take a look and then decide if you are willing to be the one person in your building willing to make a difference. Renter, owner ... it makes no difference. What does matter is you are an active resident of our community.

1 comment:

Bohn and Carol said...

Just a quick reminder that we still
need Block Captains.At least two on Biscotti,three more for Tivoli Villa,one for Gelato and three for Caramella.We need whoever is interested to sign up by June 28th
We have to have our National Night Out application in by June 29th.
This year OPD wants a list of our
Block Captains and if we don't have that list we may not be able to particiapte in National Night Out this year.