I know, I know. You are a great resident. You pay your bills on time and you clean up after your pet. It was just raining on Monday when you came home and you could not bring your garbage can inside. I understand how silly it sounds to REQUIRE a garbage can to be hidden. It seems like such a little thing!
Our home owners association is doing everything they can to keep the value of these homes as high as they can, even taking into consideration the craziness that is our economy and the drop in home values. They are sure to have our lawns mowed, our pool safe to use and our gates in working order all for us to enjoy a nice community. All you have to do is drive through developments that don't do this to understand how important it is. As part of their effort to keep values up and keep Tivoli Village as nice as it is they ask that garbage cans are put away the same day garbage is collected. By the end of the day Tuesday and Friday each of our garbage cans should be hidden in our garages out of sight. This is just one of the many things everyone is doing to help our development and we hope you can help us too. The HOA does have the right to fine any resident for allowing their cans to be out on three different occasions $300. No one wants that to happen. Help us make that never happen!
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