
Homeowners Meeting

Our 2011 Homeowners Association for Tivoli Village was held this past Tuesday evening at the Renaissance Center. Among the many topics discussed were the potential of our monthly dues going down as we start 2011 and the election of one of our residents to the board of directors.
Not sure of the amount of the decrease as of right now but we will let everyone know as soon as possible. At the meeting we learned that residents will be pleasantly surprised with the decreased amount. Hopefully this will open the door to more and more owners to pay all or a portion of their dues and to keep our association in a good financial position as we continue through these difficult economic times in Florida.
Other subjects discussed in the meeting were the growing concern with people not making responsible decisions when it comes to pets and their pet waste as well as owners and residents not placing the garbage cans out of sight after collection.
Tom Beard was unopposed in his effort to join the board of directors and thus was elected without discussion at the meeting. I will serve on the board solely with the best interests of our association and residents. These are difficult economic times forcing many of us to make difficult decisions with how money is spent. I'm hoping to build a better bond between our association and owners to keep the beautiful landscape we currently enjoy but to also take it to the next level. I look forward to speaking to any and everyone in the community. If you see me walking around with the dogs or my family please stop me or shoot me an email at Help me, help you make this a community that others want to emulate.
If you were unable to attend the meeting click here for the meeting minutes.

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