It is official, our District 1 commissioner is taking on the challenge of running for Mayor in 2012. Here is the Orlando Sentinels article on the announcement. Phil has been a wonderful asset to Tivoli Village in his support of our many different projects. It was with support from his office that we were able to have have speed bumps installed, the creation of a safe, no parking bus stop for our children and recommendations by O.P.D. for parking here in our development. Phil has also attended our annual National Night Out, brought us bagels for our community clean up and take a leadership role for positive change in our district. Having Phil Diamond find success in his campaign for mayor can only continue to be beneficial for Tivoli Village. If you are interested in helping Phil find that success please let us know and Ill add your name to our support team.
I sent out a recent email with this same information and was surprised to hear that a couple of residents were upset that I would use their contact information for this. I wanted to first apologize for any misunderstanding I may have caused but more importantly I wanted to point out the potential advantage this could have for our development. The people concerned with my email have been removed from any future communications. I would hope everyone else understand the opportunity we have and helps us take advantage of it.
Tom we are definitely interested in helping support Commissioner Diamond with his run for Mayor. We also just sent Commissioner Diamond an email telling him he has our full support. Add us to your list.
I agree with the folks who did not appreciate the notice being sent to their emails. Also, I don't think this blog is the place for political endorsements. This blog should be use to informing folks about thing going on in the community and not for endorsing politicians. The people in the community should have the right to support whomever they want and not have publications like this push their political views on us.
You know ... It blows me away about the lack of understanding and knowledge of what make the world go around! At no point have I endorsed Phil Diamond because of his political views. In fact, I have not endorsed him at all. What I have done is cover a local news report that effects our neighborhood and pointed out that this elected official, who has been very good to the residents of Tivoli Village, is running for a larger office. It can only stand to benefit the residents of our community if he wins.
No where have I said who anyone should vote for. No where have I abused the use of the the blog I created and I run for our community. I simply pointed out the truth. I am sorry if anyone has mis read something into this.
"It can only stand to benefit the residents of our community if he wins." This sound like an endorsement to me.
OK Jerome, would you feel better if I said it was an endorsement? Personally, hell yeah I endorse him. If you know the history of local politics Buddy Dyer went over to the dark side long ago. Often it is Commissioner Diamond that shares the only voice of reason in our city. Take a look at the voting history of Mayor Dyer and the city commissioners and how their votes tie into financial expenditures. Then take a look at where their donations have come from.
As a member of this community I have not endorsed Commissioner Diamond but instead shared an opinion that his victory could only stand to help Tivoli Village. How long have you lived here? Did you read the story about the history of this community? Commissioner Diamond has only been helpful in supporting the efforts of our community. Take a read and understand what this community, its leaders and this blog are about. They are trying to make this a better place to live. A safer place to live. A healthier place to live.
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